Our Logo
Our Logo
When you purchase our apparel you will see that our Logo is silk-screen on the left sleeve.
This is done for a few reason,
1. To ensure that you are getting an authentic Grit Gear Apparel® product. There are a lot of copy cat companies out there that will steal a design and print it on a lesser quality item.
2. When you see this logo on the right sleeve you will know you are buying a 100% USA made product. We ONLY print on USA made blank tees, we believe this is the ONLY way to run our business. Quality and USA made!
3. We wanted our logo to be a simple design that would be highly recognizable. We call it the "Tactical G" as if you were looking through a gun scope and bringing the G into focus. The "gears" on the outer part would be the anti-slip finger grooves. Simple, but with a lot of thought behind it.
Our tag line "Unyielding Patriotic" we believe is the only way to be and, that is, unwilling to be persuaded to change our constant love for our country. At Grit Gear Apparel® We respect our flag, support our veterans and active-duty military and are willing to defend this land from all enemies. If a country is weak on the outside, peace can never be certain or sustained. Our military must stay strong in order to continue and ensure peace".
American Made By Americans For Americans